Monday, June 28, 2010

Button It Up: Not Just Another Shirt

When shirt dresses began popping up everywhere a few summers ago, I was instantly on a mission to find one that fit perfectly... A great alternative to summer florals, I like that these are so light and airy to wear, while still offering a fun and casual look. Unfortunately, each one that I have tried on was either (1) too short or (2) too boxy. Even on my 5'1 frame, I was surprised at how indecent these things could look! Without the proper dress length, the ones I found truly made it look like I was missing a pair of pants (was definitely not going for Blake Lively's infamous I'm wearing my bf's shirt from the night before look). After pretty much being disappointed each time I tried one on, I gave up.

Recently, however, I came upon a picture of Amerie in this Gap shirt dress and knew that it was exactly what I have been searching for all this time. The blue stripes are classic, the ruffles add the perfect touch of femininity, and the belt completes the overall shape by cinching at the waist. Too bad this dress is from Gap's 2007 summer collection. How did I miss it?! Still, seeing this gave me hope and so I began my search all over again... with much more luck this year!

I finally found a summer shirt dress of my own this past month at H&M. It's not as stylin' as the one Amerie has on, but I think it'll definitely do. The H&M version I found has light blue stripes, a pleated bosom and the sleeves can be worn rolled-up or left at a 3/4 length. My arms are short, so I favor the rolled-up look (love that the dress comes with a button strap to hold the cuffs in place). Since the material is pretty sheer, I also bought a cotton slip at H&M's Divided department to wear underneath (it comes in a pair of white and black for only $12). These slips hit mid-thigh and are the perfect accompaniment to the overall length of the dress. Although the empire waist gives a cute A-line silhouette, I found that the size 4 was still too unfitted when left on its own. Since I wanted to wear the dress with my new cognac Bandolino Fortunata sandals, I needed to find a substitute for my go-to cognac belt. After digging through my closet, I came up with a much more comfortable alternative: a silk sash from one of my work dresses. The dark blue, 2-inch sash was a simple solution to keeping the dress fitted, while adding a fun contrast. Being able to tie a cute, fluffy bow in the back also gives it more of a "summer dress" feel! The dress, itself, is super lightweight and comfortable to wear and will be a definite staple over the next few months. I've been trying to stop myself from buying things from H&M just because they're cheap, but thankfully this dress was $24.95 well spent!

Love the pretty blue color and pleats!


  1. Adorable sash idea!! Much softer and more feminine than the standard belt.

    Gap's stuff can be really cute but I usually only peruse their website after seeing it on a blogger. I don't think their stuff has as much "hanger appeal" - that is, looks as good straight off the rack or in store, but much better when styled and worn. Of course, by the time I link to the clothes, all the sizes are gone!

  2. Ooh great find!!! I've always wanted a shirt dress, but had the same problems as you.. I also think the style of the arms don't flatter my shoulders.

  3. What a great find! I love shirtdresses but after a while, I'm not quite sure how to style them. =)

  4. Totally agree with your comment on Gap! I feel like their clothes never look like they will fit all that nicely and I don't even go into the store ever. I think they definitely have some good basics though (found a really cute ruffle tank recently that looks SO good with my work pencil skirts), so I'm trying to browse more often.

  5. I think the puff sleeves are definitely my least favorite part of this dress actually, but it's not too bad when my arms aren't propped on my hips like that. :)

  6. That's funny that you mention that--I tried googling styling options for shirt dresses and found that simple is definitely the way to go with these! I kind of like that in that it means it doesn't take effort to wear one. :)

  7. Too cute! I love how the details are small and girly. Too bad the fabric is so sheer, but I suppose that makes the dress a better lightweight fabric for us petite gals!

    I haven't tried on a shirt dress in forever because usually the fabric is stiff, and they have collars that look goofy on my frame (I'm itty bitty at 4'11"), but I really like this one! H&M, here I come!

    PS. I had no idea H&M carried slips!

  8. Omg, you are SO tiny!! That means this dress will definitely work for you, length-wise, but hopefully you can find one in size 2!

    The material is super comfortable--I think it's nice for summer, but definitely too thin to wear on cooler days. I tried layering with a long boyfriend cardigan to see if I could warm it up, but the sleeves bulk up kind of oddly.

    I *love* these slips. I have a ton of dresses that are made of a sheerer material and never knew what to do with them. This definitely works better than the tank + shorts I was relying on before. These H&M ones are tanks and super comfy (I sized up to get a little more length in case it shrinks). I wish I could find a cami version!

  9. Ohhh...the slip is a full tank! Even cooler! I have a 1/2 slip (skirt) that I wear underneath stuff sometimes, but it can give a weird line under dresses at the waistband (not to mention it can ride up, or down, which means I'm tugging at things under my skirt all the time...classy! I like the idea of a full length tank slip for smoothness. I'll have to find those. =)

  10. I want that shirt dress! I've been on the hunt for a shirt dress, too. I bought one at H&M last year, but it's a stiffer material. I would love a sheer one. I hope they'll still have something similar when I'm there next month -- I don't live near any H&Ms =(

    Are you tackling the CPA monster, too? I want to follow your blog, but I can't figure out how!

  11. You look super cute! I can see this being very nice with a cognac belt as well (couldn't figure out via your post why you needed a substitute...was the belt lost?). When I initially read this I was also surprised that H&M carried slips - I've searched hi and lo there for half slips, full slips - no luck. I see in your response to AN that they are full length tanks, which is clever, but I really wish they would carry some small slips for cheap!

  12. I have been looking for slips ALL OVER and couldn't figure out why no one sells any! These tank dress/slips are definitely the best options I've found so far.

    You're so good with sewing, I bet you could make one easy! :)

  13. Love this shirt dress a lot! Definitely agree that I've tried the stiffer ones (material similar to an actual dress shirt) and it felt odd wearing something so thick, full-length. Hope you find it when you're there!

    Just finished my CPA this year! Gah, it was such a long and tiring hassle with work. Good luck with your's!

    If you're logged into blogger, you should see the Blogger menu ribbon across the very top of our page and "Follow" should show up as the first menu option. Hopefully this works! :) Can't wait to read more of your posts!

  14. Woot, I'm following now!

    Congrats on your CPA! My life is consumed by studying. I'm sure you know how that feels. Can't wait until I'm finished!


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