Friday, December 3, 2010

7 Confessions... Late

We're tardy to the party but here we are with our 7 confessions (each)! Thanks to Extra Petite and Sharon for tagging us =) One of the absolute best aspects of blogging is connecting with people we've never met but share hobbies/activities in common, and taking a vested interest in their purchases, style and if we're lucky - in their everyday lives.

1. I went to college in pursuit of an English degree and had my heart set on working in non-profit marketing. After being rejected for not having the experience or resources to benefit the foundations I applied to work for, I decided to develop a technical skill set to bring back to them in years to come.

2. Although I can't cook, I consider myself to be fairly domestic. I have a ginormous love for HGTV, cleaning, decorating, and organizing.

3. I need to put Siracha on EVERYTHING I eat. It's an addiction that can't be cracked.

4. Although I love eating, I'm quite the picky eater. I have to eat things a certain way and struggle with trying new foods (that don't *look* appetizing).

5. My feet are always cold! I can't sleep without wrapping them up in a fleece blanket (yes, even in the summer).

6. I have terrible short term memory. I can remember things from way back when and am quite detailed, but don't ask me what I did/wore/said two hours ago.

7. I love singing. My cure for bad days is nighttime car karaoke.

Janice :
1. I lose a lot of stuff, to the point that I think I'm not meant to have them. In the past two years, I've lost 2 iPhones, 2 Blackberries, a Kindle, social security card (....I'm an idiot), passport holder, gloves, and a cardigan. And these are just the things that I can remember.

2. I'm an only child and have never wanted another sibling.. except for maybe a twin. I have a special affinity for twins (and my mom is one!)

3. My favorite reality TV show is The Amazing Race and my boyfriend and I were flown out to LA as finalists to get on the show. Probably one of the coolest things that's happened to me.

4. I've had a moderate stuttering problem since I was young and had weekly speech therapy sessions in high school to correct it. My speech has improved a lot since, but sometimes I feel I can't say what I really mean because it doesn't come out quick enough or gets stuck in my throat.

5. I really enjoy gambling... the possibility of potentially endless upside. I'm into playing poker, blackjack, any game in general where I could possibly win. Recently, I've channeled this into investing and it's been fun researching stocks and being on 24/7.

6. I was very athletic before college and was proud of my muscles from years of swimming and tennis. During my peak summer, I worked my way up to 55 pushups in a row. After college, I've gotten considerably weaker and haven't been able to do more than 20 at a time.

7. I haven't gone to bikram in months and my skin feels terrible.


  1. Michelle - My feet are always like icicles too... good thing hubby is always warm and he lets me rub them against his :P

    Janice - We're fans of The Amazing Race too, but it seems like such a stressful environment and puts your relationship to the test. It's really cool that you made it to the finals though, will you try out again for it? :)

  2. omg yes, Janice! For four years I was part of a team at my school where we were required to do army push-ups for two minutes. On good days I was able to hit 85 ... and then I got to college. lol Now even just thinking about doing one has me feeling completely exhausted.


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