Monday, October 4, 2010

So It Rained Today...

It's just so like LA to be blazing hot less than 24 hours ago and then dreary and gloomy all day today! As an attempt to not be late on Mondays, I put in a bit of effort into picking out what I'm going to wear the night before (the ONLY night I push aside my laziness to do so). And of course, my chosen tulip skirt and tank top outfit was just not going to work for today (didn't feel like busting out the tights just yet).  Instead, I rummaged through my closet looking for all the fall wear that I'd somehow pushed far, far to the back.

Okay, so it's not exactly a complete fall weather outfit... but it's definitely a SoCal version. Although it was sprinkling outside here and there, it still wasn't cold enough for a full sweater and boots kind of day. Instead, I opted to wear my beloved Minnie's. I wear a regular size 0 as I purchased the pants in the store without knowing that they came in petite lengths. I guess it worked out because they fall right above my ankles and this length works fine with flats or heels (PAG's mentioned that the petite pants were kind of an awkward length, so I will be checking out her review to see the comparison!). I've had the sweater vest for years already and have actually never even worn it! I can't seem to pull off the vest + button up combo that looks so cute on plenty of girls, so I would always put on the vest and then chicken out of wearing it each time. Love this more casual way of wearing it much better as it's definitely more my style. I finished off this kind of dark outfit with my new Ann Taylor flats (love the muted gold suede) and my pretty new H&M polka dot scarf! I found it while roaming around the mall this weekend and like that it's a good alternative to the pashmina scarves that I always get caught in snags and such. I heart H&M and their super duper cheap and cute scarves!

My weakness for polka dots wins again! Love the sheer and super soft quality of this scarf and will be wearing it a ton!

On a side note--and this might be TMI--I'm not sure if you guys can see, but I have a mad rash across my chin. :( Leave it to me to use expired sunblock... AGAIN. During the hot, hot days of last week, I grabbed my practically unused Clinique Sheer Tint, not thinking twice about when I even bought it. I didn't make it past 10AM before the itching and burning started up (it still itches like crazy as I type this entry!). Now I'm left with a nasty patch of painful rashes that's comparable to actually getting a sunburn! How sadly ironic. Anywhoiee, just wanted to share this story so no one else does something as foolish as this. Let's just say I went through all my products and finally tossed out a bunch of other, probably not so good ones. 

Boo hoo, cold weather and a dry and itchy face. When it rains, it pours! LOL. Besides having to deal with LA drivers who freak out at the sight of rain, I actually think the rain is kind of refreshing. It makes me miss those days of trudging through the rain to class back in the good old days at Berkeley. Hope everyone is bundling up and keeping warm. 


  1. Ooh I see you're wearing the new AT flats! Looks great with those J. Crew pants, which are the perfect length! I woke up this morning and when I saw the grey/white sky I thought it would rain, but luckily it didn't.

  2. HAHAHA your Fall outfit looks useless if you were here!!! =P It's very cute though!! It's like 50 degrees here and super windy.. Today I am wearing a Uniqlo heat tech long sleeved shirt, a cardigan and a heavy chunky sweater and my burberry scarf and my trench coat with socks and boots! the only thing I don't have are leggings =( people are making fun of us Californians for being so scared of the cold.. ppl made fun of Tiff yesterday for wearing gloves (it was 45 degrees!) so funny that you said LA ppl freak out about driving in the rain. That sounds dangerous!

    Also, I never knew that expired sun block does that?! I think I have sunblock from YEARS ago.. I will definitely check this out next time I am cleaning!! Thanks for the tip!

  3. What a great way to wear that vest! I will have to try that this season. I love the J. Crew Minnies on you! Sorry about your chin, though :( I'm also guilty of forgetting to toss out expired products.

    How is your new job?? Funny that you're leaving public accounting and I'm just entering it. I can only hope that one day I, too, will be able to transition into a career with a more creative outlet. Wishing you the best of luck!

  4. This outfit is chic and simple, I love it. Interestingly, I think it looks more NorCal (my neck of the woods) than SoCal. Btw LOVE the flats.


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