Saturday, February 6, 2010

Colorful Planning

Since I spend the majority of my day on my laptop and my iPhone is always within fingertip reach for instant access to notes/agendas/emails, I've forgotten the need to have a real planner despite being desperately addicted to them during my college days (I was a color-coding whiz). I realize now that although my Outlook calendar is excrutiatingly sync-ed for all my work meetings, projects, and deadlines, I don't have anything to keep track of personal matters besides the digital post-it note on my Windows Sidebar. With such little space and nothing to check-off, it's no surprise that I've been forgetting some very important dates here and there (such as credit card due dates and birthdays... uh oh).

Call me old school, but I'm going back to pen and paper! Hautelook is having a great sale on Moleskine planners and I was quick to pick up the Very Large Weekly Planner. I picked this one because I like seeing my week at once so I know what to anticipate. Each week is laid out on one page and there's free space for general notes to the right. I like to list all my events for the day using bullet points and list any additional details on the notes page (our friend, Jessica, discovered the beauty of lined Post-it notes for even more colorful writing space). The Moleskine planners are classy and sophisticated looking and very practical. Their high-quality design makes them a top pick for many people! I'm so excited about having a planner to take with me to remind me that there's more to life than work.

Sale ends tomorrow! Click here if you don't have a Hautelook account.


  1. Ah I feel so honored to have a mention in your post!

    I recently bought a Coach planner to put my personal items too and use as a diary too with lists of what I did, etc. but now I regret it since there are so many cute moleskin plannres and Janice got a really nice one too! Anyway, will try to utilize what I have instead of being jealous =P


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