These do look like any ordinary pair but Google images assures me these are Wolford Polar tights

The outer surface of the tights is totally opaque and matte, unlike the soft satiny sheen that normal tights give, so it's a tradeoff. But what's cool is the vertical ribbing on the outside (the fuzzy internal lining is stitched in vertical panes), adding a pattern to otherwise plain legwear.
Wolford tights are pretty expensive - retail is $68 for this pair - but I snatched these up in 2 minutes at the Ruelala sale awhile back for 50% off! Literally, I set an alarm for the sale to begin since I knew my size and the opaque black pairs were sure to go quickly. Years of piano and facebooking (now twittering) have trained my fingers to be super speedy and accurate in clicking. I checked out with the Polar pair, and another dark brown ("Mocca") pair which is more breathable. The dark brown is the go to during a cool summer/brisk fall day, whereas the ones I'm wearing today I consider my industrial strength tights.
Creators at Wolford, you guys are geniusesss.