To be honest, my first year of working has been tough on me. It's not that I wasn't expecting all of this, but as superficial as it may sound, I just don't feel pretty at work.
Ever. The lack of Vitamin D (as too many of us working girls suffer from), sleep, and water definitely has not helped the situation any. I'm sure everyone has those days when you just don't feel 100%, but what happens when your eyes constantly say it?
I have never been the concealer-wearing kind of girl, never really believing I needed it (why do I need more layers under there when I'm already wearing foundation?). Well, unfortunately my sunken eyes have become too much to ignore. I realized that I
desperately need it and that it was finally time to find a good one.

After playing around with a few choices that included Laura Mercier, Stila, The Balm (which is apparently one of the best selling), and others, I finally settled on
The Eraser from Tarte. It comes in 10 different colors and is priced at $19. This has turned out to be the perfect choice! First of all, it's packed with natural ingredients (and free of sulfates and chemicals). One of the highlights of the ingredients list is actually arnica flower, which is supposed to lighten dark circles. Vitamin E also helps decrease inflammation (great for puffy eyes or zits)! It comes in a clicky-pen packaging which is convenient and easy to use. It bothered me the first few times that NOTHING would come out after a million clicks, but now that I've been regularly using it, it hasn't been a problem anymore. I've found that most concealers are too heavy and dry for me to use, but the consistency of The Eraser is amazing and so easy to layer. I swipe it under my eyes, the sides of my nose, and problem spots every morning and can instantly see a difference. I can't believe I ever lived without this!!!
I never wanted to use concealer--it's definitely added in that extra step I'm sometimes too impatient to go through in the mornings. However, the pay-off is well worth the effort. My eyes look brighter, less depressed, and the effects play off to the rest of my face. This product has helped me take my first small step towards combatting those workday wounds.
I used this concealer during my internship summer, and really liked it! It covered my circles well, I loved the handy pen shape (no dirty fingers) but mostly I liked the smell haha. It had a clean scent that made me keep wanting to sniff it. I didn't repurchase though, because 1) the lettering rubbed off almost entirely by the end which bothered me, and 2) i'm a product junkie who needed to try every brand of concealer possible